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Native Playlist files

Playlists can be installed, so they are always visible to the user, or generated on the fly.

New playlist files can be installed with using gconftool in a terminal or using the grapical gconf-editor.
The installation command is

gconftool -s -t string /apps/maemo/kmplayer/lists/Family /home/user/Family.xml
This sets (-s) a string (-t string) in the gconf database at position /apps/maemo/kmplayer/lists, this string is called Family (key) and has a value of /home/user/Family.xml where thus the file must be found.

KMPlayer looks at all keys in /apps/maemo/kmplayer/lists and adds it in the playlist tree. The title will be the key, so in this example it's Family.
Upon clicked, KMPlayer loads the file that is associated with this key, so in the above case it's /home/user/Family.xml. The XML file must be the KMPlayer native playlist format (*).

If one wants to remove this Family again, one simple unsets the key. With gconftool the command is

    gconftool -u /apps/maemo/kmplayer/lists/Family
Of course multiple playlists can be added, as long as they have different keys.

*) This syntax is according this example:

  <item url="some-url" title="Uncle Tom"/>
  <item url="some-url" title="Kids" player="osso-media-server"/>
  <group title="Vacation Spain">
    <item url="some-url" title="Beach" player="mplayer"/>
    <item url="some-url" title="Food"/>
When this playlist is expanded, it will show the entries Uncle Tom, Kids, Vacation Spain. When clicked on Vacation Spain, this will expand and show the two sub items Beach and Food.

Groups may be added to groups as well, so you get another level in the playlist.

When double clicked on an item, the complete group will be copied to the active playlist and start playing at the point where double clicked. So when clicked on Food, both Beach and Food are copied, and playing starts at Food.
The exception is first level items, only the clicked item gets copied and will be played.

Finally the attribute player is a way to force using this player for the item where this is added. So for Kids the media-server is used and for Beach mplayer.
A third player is npp, which is for flash.


A nice example of a debian package that uses the installable playlist, is WorldTV99. So if you have a playlist that you want to share, look at the sources. Just replace all occurrences of WorldTV99.xml with the name choosen by you.